Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Life is what you make it!

Today was a good day overall! It started rough, but ended good. I forget all I have to be Thankful for sometimes, and GOD please help me remember My life is not all bad. I tend to have too many pitty parties lately. I have a wondeful friend and I love her dearly. She makes me smile. She helps me put it into perspective and see things in a different light. Thank You for her. Thank you for all she is to me and her prescense in my life. She is my Rock lately and I couldn't make it without her. Life is what you make it and I do pretty good. I forget that at times. I have so much and I owe it all to you Lord and I Thank You!

Friday, February 1, 2008


As you can tell by my last few posts, I AM STRESSED! In fact, today my alter ego Polly took over my body. (I get to blame all the bad stuff on her.) Listen will not hear this often....."I was a bad friend!" OMG, did you hear that. Yes, friends no one is perfect not even me. I acted stupid, and childish. Why do we hurt the ones we love the most sometimes? That damn Polly. I cherish my friends. If you are one of the lucky ones I call friend, you know I love unconditionally. I don't expect in return. I accept you for you. Oh, if I could rewind the last few weeks I would. I have made some mistakes. Mainly with the words I chose, but none the less I am sorry for hurting anyone at anytime. Please accept my apologies.