Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hustle & Bustle

For starters we have all been sick. Of course the diabetic got sick first and kept it the longest! So many things have went on lately, I don't know where to begin. We travelled to N.C. the weekend before Thanksgiving to surprise my in-laws. They were ecstatic. The girls had a wonderful time and so did Myron and I. It is so pleasant to get away. Our trip was short due to Myron's work schedule. We then went to Sha's for our family Thanksgiving. It was so nice. I cooked for 2 days and loved it. I love my nephews. I wish I could spend more time with them. They are growing up so fast. On Wednesday of last week Sloan had her 6 month check up with the Neurologist. All was well. He wants to increase her seizure meds, however I do not feel the need at this time. On Thursday, I had her follow-up from her I.E.P. that was to assure me all things were in order and of course they were not. I spent another 4 hours going over all the same things as the last meeting. The good thing was the Vision Assessment results and boy, did I learn so much. She explained the depth perception and peripheral fields that Sloan can actually see. It was amazing.
It all makes so much more sense. I think this really helped more than anything. The teachers can now understand how and why she runs over their toes etc...Her wheelchair is going in for repairs on Tuesday and we are so glad. This chair as I have said costs $23,000. It is getting over $6,000 in repairs. It is less than 2 years old. Need I say more? It is very different around our house this year for Christmas. For the last 6 years we have put up 6 trees and tons of decorations. No Mom downstairs, or Bubba and Shelby. I miss them. So we have 1 tree in the living room and 1 in the kitchen. The girls opted not to put theirs up. I have such a hard time with change. We are just so different as a family the 4 of us. It is wonderful! I just love being surrounded by people. This week I am working at the girls school 4 days. Yahoo!