Monday, January 28, 2008

Cherish each Day

It has been a ruff few days. I have been really sick again. I have not always taken the best care of myself. I have always focused on others. My sugars are off the roof. My blood pressure is at the point of a stroke, and I have got to get control. I have had time to think about this while I was down and out and I realized, I need to be my #1. I had a great friend lose a 34 year old sister who was totally healthy died in her sleep and never woke up. She left a loving husband and 3 small children. It mad me remember just 3 years ago the same thing happened to my sister in law's sister, 34 with 3 kids totally healthy died in her sleep. This could be any of us. So I challenge each of you to take better care of yourself. If you talk to me, ask me what was your last blood sugar? Do you have your pump on? It won't make me mad. I have great friends are you are who keep me alive. I have 3 beautiful girls who need me, and 4 other adults who could not run this house without me. HA!HA!HA! Cherish each day it could be your last!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Best is not always Best

After being really sick for 3 days, I tried to get it all together and start off the day. Of course, the usual with getting the kids across the street to school etc... I could not decide what to do first. 1. Clean the kitchen, the bedroom, or do laundry. While contemplating the phone began to ring. One call after another and another. I love to talk on the phone, but when I don't I don't. Having a physically challenged child is hard work. One call was for diapers, the other about her new hospital bed that quit working after 2 days, the other about her crappy wheelchair that was $23,000 and is useless. This took 3 hours. I was disgusted. I always say, I will do whatever it takes for her to have the best of what she needs. Well, you would think she has the best and it is a pain. So from now on I am rephrasing that. I am learning a lot these days about doing things different and taking different approaches. Maybe it is the age? Who knows? So friends help me in this adventure. I need to open all doors and look at all options before I look at what I think is best, because I can be wrong sometimes...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My three girls!

I am exhausted. My day started with taking the Warden to get her RX and the store. Major disaster. She can never do anything on her own..I did end up having a good day with the girls. I am absolutely amazed by those 3! We do not go to the mall often, however they had Limited Too gift cards to spend. It was a great trip. Sloan only got upset one time, by something in the Disney Store the snake from Aladdin or something. They spent their money on all Hannah Montana goodies and High School Musical. They are ooh so happy because I got them cell phones. Shelby one for herself, and Sloan and Shayla one to share. Of course the Warden is mad about it. WHO CARES! They have not put the things down in 3 hours. They will be busy til school starts back on Monday! Here lately at the end of each day, I have asked myself why I do what I do?? I take care of everyone and do everything for them..what is wrong with this picture?? I do what I do because of who I am. I was born to care for others and I just naturally do it. I have to learn that I cannot fix the world. I just wish I got in return what I give sometimes. Not from my kids or friends..MY FAMILY!! Everyone relies on me. I love spending time with my girls. Sloan is absolutely hilarious these days. Shayla can sing so good. I love to hear her voice. Shelby just needs a Mother and it just happens to be I am the closet thing she has. They make me proud. I want them to know how much they mean to me.