Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Best is not always Best

After being really sick for 3 days, I tried to get it all together and start off the day. Of course, the usual with getting the kids across the street to school etc... I could not decide what to do first. 1. Clean the kitchen, the bedroom, or do laundry. While contemplating the phone began to ring. One call after another and another. I love to talk on the phone, but when I don't I don't. Having a physically challenged child is hard work. One call was for diapers, the other about her new hospital bed that quit working after 2 days, the other about her crappy wheelchair that was $23,000 and is useless. This took 3 hours. I was disgusted. I always say, I will do whatever it takes for her to have the best of what she needs. Well, you would think she has the best and it is a pain. So from now on I am rephrasing that. I am learning a lot these days about doing things different and taking different approaches. Maybe it is the age? Who knows? So friends help me in this adventure. I need to open all doors and look at all options before I look at what I think is best, because I can be wrong sometimes...

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