To me this is the most beautiful picture in the world! This is my heart. She smiles no matter what. I wanted to post a few things about Sloan for everyone. We are so excited about her benefit. It is less than a week away. I am so very fortunate to have great friends that are putting this together for us. We are praying for enough money to put a lift on my van to transport her in her power chair. She is growing by leaps and bounds and I can barely get her in the van. It takes 2 people to do so. I just want her to be able to go everywhere I go. She has only been to the grocery store twice in the last few years. I can never just run in somewhere. I am by no means complaining, just stating the facts. She loves going out to eat, but it is so hard to go anywhere. This lift will just make it so much easier.
I have copied Sloan's Bio here for everyone to read:
My name is Sloan Sellars. I am 10 years old and I am a twin. I go to Watauga Elementary School, and I am in the 5th grade. My Sister “Shayla” and I were born 9 weeks premature. I weighed 4.1 lbs. I stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 4 weeks. I came home on an Apnea monitor, and was on it for 6 months. When I was nine months old, I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. This is why I am writing this biography to tell you about me. I had my first surgery when I was 1 year old. My eyes crossed (Strabismus) and had to be straightened. I wore glasses for a few years, but now I am considered legally blind and they don’t help. I had back surgery (Dorsal Rhizotomy) when I was 3 years old to help with the spasticity and muscle spasms in my legs so I could maybe one day walk. It helped with the spasms, but I have never been able to walk on my own. I had another surgery (Bi-lateral Femoral Osteotmy) when I was 5 years old on my right hip and both legs. My hip would pop in and out of socket, and my femur bones were turned inward. The doctor did a de-rotation and turned them around. I was in a complete body cast for 12 weeks. I had another eye surgery when I was 8 years old to fix my eye muscles in my left eye. I also had my hardware from my hip surgery removed when I was 8. I attend therapy weekly at Vanderbilt Pediatric Rehab. I am very active and love playing on the computer and listening to music. I have a power wheelchair and am in it most of the time. My friends are trying to raise money so that we can have a lift put on my Mommy’s van to transport me in my chair. Thank You in advance for any assistance you can give us.
My name is Sloan Sellars. I am 10 years old and I am a twin. I go to Watauga Elementary School, and I am in the 5th grade. My Sister “Shayla” and I were born 9 weeks premature. I weighed 4.1 lbs. I stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 4 weeks. I came home on an Apnea monitor, and was on it for 6 months. When I was nine months old, I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. This is why I am writing this biography to tell you about me. I had my first surgery when I was 1 year old. My eyes crossed (Strabismus) and had to be straightened. I wore glasses for a few years, but now I am considered legally blind and they don’t help. I had back surgery (Dorsal Rhizotomy) when I was 3 years old to help with the spasticity and muscle spasms in my legs so I could maybe one day walk. It helped with the spasms, but I have never been able to walk on my own. I had another surgery (Bi-lateral Femoral Osteotmy) when I was 5 years old on my right hip and both legs. My hip would pop in and out of socket, and my femur bones were turned inward. The doctor did a de-rotation and turned them around. I was in a complete body cast for 12 weeks. I had another eye surgery when I was 8 years old to fix my eye muscles in my left eye. I also had my hardware from my hip surgery removed when I was 8. I attend therapy weekly at Vanderbilt Pediatric Rehab. I am very active and love playing on the computer and listening to music. I have a power wheelchair and am in it most of the time. My friends are trying to raise money so that we can have a lift put on my Mommy’s van to transport me in my chair. Thank You in advance for any assistance you can give us.
As you can tell, she has had a lot to face for a 10 year old, but let me tell you "She is a fighter!" She always has a positive attitude. She has a determination to succeed at whatever she does. There were days when I did not know if she would talk, she learned to sign. I don't know what the future holds for her just like any other parent. However, I do know she will give her ALL!