Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have not blogged as much as I would like to lately, I just can't find the time. I worked several days last week. One day in particular stood out and I wanted to write about it. It made me realize GOD is so good! I worked in the Special Education room at Sloan & Shayla's school on Thursday. It was such an emotional day. I feel I am very fortunate in the fact that cognitively Sloan is very bright. I feel we broke the odds against us when she began to talk. I was told by several physicians she never would. She began to sign at about 13 months, an we all did very well. I would have been okay with that, but she always strived for more. She began to speak at around 26-27 months old. We were so happy, and she has never stopped talking! There was a student I fell in love with. Without breaking HIPPA violations or confidentiality, she has C.P. and M.R. not sure of all of her conditions. I was so attracted to her. Unlike Sloan, she can walk. Her talking is very limited. There are several words you cannot use with her because they upset her. Of course, I would be the one to tell her "no", and boy did I pay for it. She was very upset. She went into a horrible fit. She did this 4 times in one day. She cried, tried to hurt herself and others. I had to go the restroom and cry. I felt so helpless. I looked to GOD for strength and guidance. I made it thru the rest of the day fine. I worked with several boys and had a good time. By the end of the day I was exhausted. Before, I left the little girl came up to me and told me Thank You and I Love you! WOW!! They said she has never done that before. They did not even know she knew the words. I am so glad for the opportunity to work with these kids. So often, I see the other kids and teachers who won't even give them the time of day. It furiates me. They are somebody's child. GODS child. Before, I was a parent of a Special Needs child, I never knew of any children with special needs. It is eye-opening. You learn so much from them. I am so thankful for my children. I am thankful Sloan has a voice. She keeps us smiling all the time, and you never know what she will say next. This morning it was,"Mama you are so beautiful. Why can't my hair be like yours?" I told her we would buy some bleach and do her hair blonde. She said,"Mom mixed girls don't have blonde hair!" I laughed and laughed. Then she said "But I am half white!" HA! HA! Never a dull moment in the multi-race family!

1 comment:

Rachel Wilson said...

tell sloan thanks for always making me smile.